
Friday, February 28, 2014

Paris. Just Paris.

Fashion and as it relates to Paris at this time of year will be the subject of forthcoming posts, but first a note to relay what I've been up to since my arrival via American Airlines and the Roissybus. For the past 36 hours, I've been doing/saying/thinking things that sound barf-worthy to anyone who isn't in my head (so, like, everyone), but now it's time to put them on the blogue.

I started writing this post on my phone earlier when I was standing on the corner of Rue Jacob and Rue Bonaparte (namedropping Parisian street names = pretentious) because I had a thought that I didn't want to forget: Paris rocks. I knew that it rocked but I had to come back to make sure, and yep, it still does. I've switched up my priorities in life a bit since I've been here and made marrying a French man and raising our French-American-Iranian offspring in Paris an utmost priority. I can't decide what I should do first though--find the French man or move to Paris? Must strategize.

Aside from looking like a nutter and smiling to myself on the streets, I've practiced self-control in ways I never thought I knew how--by which I mean not following every pastry I eat with five more. It's one of the unspoken downsides in life that when faced with ten different varieties of breakfast pastries you can only choose one. One of my favorite almond croissants in this city resides at the Grand Epicerie in the 7th arrondissement, but once I arrived at the counter, I couldn't decide if I wanted the almond croissant or the CHOCOLATE almond croissant. I opted for almond because it was bigger than its chocolate counterpart, and thus would last longer. Had I no self-control, I would've taken both of them.

I've also been tempted to buy every pair of shoes I see, but that's easier to control because I usually just don't have enough money in my bank account.

Hmm, what else can I tell you?

I went to City Pharma today, a discount pharmacy in Saint-Germain-des-Près. City Pharma is one of my favorite places here and the site of a meltdown I once had when I thought my hair was falling out and couldn't figure out which vitamins I needed to take to make it grow back. I got tons of skin care goodies at prices cheaper than they would be on the American dollar. I also decided that the only instance it's socially acceptable for someone other than your mom to point out your acne is when it's a beautician at a French pharmacy. Products of note in my shopping bag and now on my face include Caudalie Vinosource moisturizer, Bioderma Créaline makeup remover (for 3 euro!!), and Caudalie cleanser.

Okay, tata for now.

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